For the past two weeks I have been pretty much bed ridden with a herniated disc. The best way to describe a herniated disc is to compare it to two jelly filled donuts. You take the two jelly filled donuts and put a 5 pound weight on the top of them and the jelly will start oozing out of the bottom donut - that is pretty much what happens when you have a herniated disc.
My doctor has been great and has tried several things to help alleviate the pain, including large amounts of Prednisone, an epidural and a cortisone shot, but unfortunately nothing has taken the pain away. As long as I am laying down I feel pretty good but as soon as I stand I feel like my back is going to snap into.
So with all the above being said I do not want to be a complainer, a moaner or a whiner because it really does not do any good and does not make you feel better. Right?!?! My dad is my example of someone who endured and did not complain. My Dad suffered many years with cancer and he never complained once about what he was going though. I remember being with my Dad the day before he passed away and I asked him how he was feeling and I will always remember what he said despite the incredible pain he was in, "I'm feeling pretty good TamBo." Everyone enjoyed being around my Dad because he was so upbeat and that is the way I want people to feel when they are around me.
So on this beautiful February day, I'm feeling pretty good!!
Cooper Boy
9 years ago
1 comment:
I'm sorry you're having so much problems with your back. Feel better soon.
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