Friday, February 27, 2009


When Rob was first diagnosed with diabetes it was a very sensitive subject for him. He became a "closet" diabetic. If I ever brought it up when we were with friends I would get a swift kick under the table (and those kicks hurt sometimes). Finally I convinced him that it was not something to be ashamed of and instead of being silent on the subject he should help educate people about diabetes and diabetics. So when I ran across a pamphlet that discussed diabetes etiquette I thought it would be a good topic to pass along to others so they would know how to treat a diabetic.

Diabetes Etiquette

1. DON'T offer unsolicited advice about my eating or other aspects of diabetes.
2. DO realize and appreciate that diabetes is hard work.
3. DON'T tell me horror stories about other people with diabetes you have heard about.
4. DO offer to join me in making healthy lifestyle changes.
5. DON'T look so horrified when I check my blood sugars or give myself an injection.
6. DO ask how you might be helpful.
7. DON'T offer thoughtless reassurances.
8. DO be supportive of my efforts for self-care.
9. DON'T peak at or comment on my blood glucose numbers without asking my first.
10. DO offer your love and encouragement.


Peggy, Eva, Sarah said...

I really liked the etiquette list. It stands true for a lot of other issues as well. Thanks for sharing.

Maurine said...

I truly appreciated the tips on diabetes. I loved the picture of Rob. All of his 8 things were very interesting. I've been looking and reading the blogs for a long time and think it's great. I am just learning how to comment.

Sonya Peterson said...

Tammy and Rob,
Thanks for the tips. Diabetes runs in Adam's family and so we are very mindfull of how hard it is. It does help to know the tips, sometimes we don't think before we speak (way to often on my part). I hope things are going well on that front.

Brandy J. said...

This is a good list. Love you need to post pictures of your new rooms!