Tuesday, May 12, 2009


This was taken today after spending the morning at the pool. In the background you can see Diamond Head.

My goofy husband!

My wonderful Mother's Day Brunch with my cute husband!

The Hawaii Temple for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is closed for an 18 month renovation.

I just wanted to give everyone an update on our trip! We have had a wonderful time doing absolutely nothing!! We have lounged by the pool (the beach is only a stone throw away from the pool but we prefer the pool over the sand of the beach). Rob has done a lot on the computer and I have read two good books. We have done a little shopping and we have also driven around the island to the North Shore. We went to dinner with one of our oldest and dearest friends, Mel, and got caught up on what has been happening in Hawaii (he works for a Hawaii State Senator) and did some reminiscing about old times (he still remembers holding Brandy when she was a tiny baby) and of course he had to update me on one of my favorite locals - Dog the Bounty Hunter!

We have been coming to Hawaii every two years for about the past 15 years and over that time we have seen a lot of changes but this time there are a few things that have really stood out to us. When you use to get off the plane in Honolulu you would be greeted by Hawaiian music and the smell of plumeria trees. Well now when you get off the plane there is no music and the only smell you get is diesel fumes from the planes. Actually we have heard very little Hawaiian music during this trip and we really miss it. Another issue is traffic. Driving out to the North Shore use to be such a relaxing, beautiful drive but this time we felt like we were in rush hour traffic the whole way. What use to be about a three hour drive to drive completely around the island turned out to be about a five hour drive due to bumper to bumper traffic. Hawaii really needs to do something about the traffic congestion. And then lastly going to the International Market Place use to be one of our favorite things to do because your could barter and get some good buys but that has not been the case this trip. The prices are set and bartering is not an option! But even with these changes we will still be back because this is Paradise!!


Anonymous said...

Your tan looks so pretty! You are a lucky lucky girl! Someday I will make it to Hawaii! I hope you have a lovely time! What a SWEET husband you have!

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Mother's Day! I froze in a sleeping bag at Vernon Resevoir. . . . See you soon.

Chad and Kristin said...

Hey... nice rash! ;) I only say that cause I am a brat and just so jealous!!! I hope you and Rob are still having a great time and I cant wait till you get back so I can hear all about it!

Brandy J. said...

I'm so sad that the International Market Place will be gone in a few years. I have fond memories of bartering for jewelry and other cool stuff there. I'm glad you had a nice Mother's Day brunch, but it will be nice to have you back home soon. Love you!

Peggy, Eva, Sarah said...

I love that I can get updates from your trip--even while you are still traveling. Thanks for sharing! This has renewed my desire to keep blogging.

Mel said...

It was quite funny when Rob told me the only place he heard Hawaiian music was when I put him on hold from our office. I will be blogging about the lack of Hawaiian music in Honolulu on one of my blogs real soon. Stay tuned. Was good to have dinner with you two. Mahalo!