Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A fun month

May has been a fun month. We had a great trip to Hawaii (minus the lei rash), Rob and Jared put a new patio for me in the backyard (sorry it was such hard work boys), I received a beautiful watch from Jared and Cassidy for Mother's Day (thanks Connie) and a gorgeous necklace from Brandy and Dave (they know I have a passion for jewelry), we got to spend some time with Rob's family which we don't get to do very often, the weather started to warm up and then to top off the month we (the whole fam damily) went to Park City for four days to celebrate our anniversary and Memorial Day. I wish every month could be like this month has been!

My new patio installed by two patient men!

Enjoying our delicious Memorial Day hamburgers.

The women hard at work...hahaha.

Jared, the one that really did the work!

The fam (minus Mom - I had to stay behind to take photos) as they headed up the mountain to ride the zip line down in Park City.

Don't I have the cutest little family?!?!

1 comment:

Brandy J. said...

May really was a good month, wasn't it?! We had lots of fun in Park City...ready to go back next weekend? :)