Monday, May 4, 2009

New Adventure

For the past two years our Bishop has not seen a need to give me a church calling - he has pretty much put me on a shelf and forgotten about me (even he agreed). So after alot of "asking" I finally gave up on having a ward calling and went out and found something for me to do myself. I am volunteering at the LDS Family Services Office 4 - 8 hours a week. I answer phones,input information on incoming clients, put together packets, pretty much anything they need me to do. The office I work with deals in adoptions, child abuse and marriage counseling. I have really needed something to boost me spiritually so I hope this does it. It is hard being forgotten by your own ward.


Anonymous said...

Tammy - you will be so good at that! It actually sounds interesting. I'm sure it will be a lot of added blessings to your life! Take Care!

Peggy, Eva, Sarah said...

Good for you! Call me when you fall in love with one of the children and want to bring him home! I'll say YES.