Thursday, June 18, 2009

It's Been a While!

The past several weeks have been crazy busy so I have not had a chance to update my blog. So sit back and get comfortable while I update you on the past three weeks!

The end of May we were given free tickets to go to the World Championship Superbike Races at Larry H. Miller Sports Park. I really did not want to go at first and suggested Rob get Jared or Dave to go with him. But since neither were available I went and it was AMAZING!. I have never seen motorcycles go so fast and I was awe struck to watch them go around the corners nearly laying on their sides. We also had pit passes so we were able to go into the pits and see how well maintained these motorcycles are. Each motorcycle went through 18 tires during three days or races. There were only two Americans in the races and the rest were from other countries.

Then June 4th was my 29th birthday and I was treated like a queen. My BFF's (Gayle and Debbie) sent me beautiful flowers and balloons and since I had to work on my birthday my little friend Carole sent me a gorgeous bouquet of flowers to work. I even received a phone call at work from one of my friends in Alaska (I really felt special). After work we (the family) all went out to dinner and they had a delicious cake and presents for me at the restaurant. I had a super birthday and really have been blessed for only being 29 :) .

We have had a lot of rain here and I am a SUN person. I need the sun to feel good and when it rains it makes my ankle ache double time. So last Friday Rob called me about 2:00 and said it is suppose to rain through the weekend so what if we go to Vegas. Of course that was fine with me so we were on the road to Vegas by 4:00 (doesn't take us long to pack). The weather was in the 80's, plenty of sun, and there were not a lot of people (by Las Vegas standards) so we had a grand time. We went to see Terry Fator (the ventriloquist that won You've Got Talent) and he was spectacular. On Sunday we had to get up early and head back to Salt Lake City because I had a fireside to speak at and Rob had a Baptism Preview to conduct, but being out of the rain for 32 hours was nice!

Also the girls and I have started an Etsy shop. An Etsy shop is an online handmade craft store. We have made alot of jewelry, cards, etc. to sell. So if you would like to purchase any of our handmade items go to and once purchased we will mail them to you in a jiffy!

I have also been busy with my volunteer work at LDS Family Services. It has been amazing to learn of some of the child abuse that exist - it makes you want to hug your own kids a little tighter. I cannot imagine being a counselor and dealing with the abused or abusers.

Well that is a brief summary of what has been happening in my life the past few weeks. I am looking forward to nice, warm, rain free weather to arrive so I can do some yard work.

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