Wednesday, August 5, 2009


This congratulations post is a little late in coming. Jared graduated from the University of Utah in May and when we asked if he wanted a big graduation party he said no just dinner at Tepanyaki with the fam and that is exactly what he got - well that along with a big Craftsman stand alone tool box for his many tools!! We are so proud of Jared and his great accomplishments. He is a great son, husband (I hope), brother, provider, and example to all that know him. Plus I think he is pretty darn cute, but then I am a little prejudice!

The U of U Graduate...

....with his biggest fan club...

...and his adorable little wife!

Jared wants the big CELEBRATION to be when he completes his MBA which he will be starting here in a few weeks and I assure you we will have a BIG party (if that is okay with Cass) when he is done!!
Just a side note, Rob and I have had to swallow a lot of pride since we are both BYU Alumni to support the U of U, but that wasn't to hard to do since our daughter, daughter-in-law, son and son-in-law are all graduates of the U of U and they are pretty awesome people. Go Utes, unless you are playing BYU :)

1 comment:

Peggy, Eva, Sarah said...

He has a great Mama! I am proud too.