Monday, October 19, 2009

Little Tams

We have lived in our home for 22 years and during that time we have watched little Tammy Thompson grow from a cute little 18 month old with pig tails into a beautiful young lady. So with her first little one due in December Brandy and I (along with the Hortin girls and Roslyn) decided to give her a baby shower. It was fun to reminisce about her growing up years (she lives in Nebraska now so we don't get to chat very often), to see her with a little baby belly, to visit with all those that attended the shower, and to see the cute things she received for little Walker or Caden (they haven't decided which name yet). We are excited for the arrival of her little boy and only wish that she still lived across the street so we could spoil him like we all spoiled her when she was little!


Brandy J. said...

It's practically November which means Tam's little guy will be here before we know it!!

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