Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy B'day Jared & Little Coop

Today is my little boy's 25th birthday. Man, where has the time gone? If Coop turns out to be half the young man that Jared is my daughter will be a very lucky Mom. Jared is an incredible son and Rob and I feel so blessed to be his parents. Happy birthday to my son, my son!!

In addition to being Jared's birthday it is Coop's "two day" birthday. When we arrived at the hospital this morning Dave said that we needed to take more pictures of Cooper because he had changed since yesterday so below are his two day old pictures! I am not prejudice or anything but he is really the cutest, sweetest little baby I have ever seen, and yes Grandpa and TamTam are totally smitten with him!! Soundly sleeping!!

How precious.

Mommy and Coop

Love the hair!!!!

Dave did his hair so he would be "stylin"!

1 comment:

Linda Beeson said...

So glad you shared so many adorable photos!!! He is amazing.