Friday, April 9, 2010

Easter at the Olsen's

Easter has always been a special day for me. I have such fond memories of gathering with my Dad's extended family for a potluck dinner, Easter egg hunt and playing with my cousins all while dressed in my new Easter frock. We have tried to make Easter a special day for our kids but this year Jared made it special for us when he walked in with STRAIGHT hair. Jared inherited his Mom's curly hair, so for fun Cassidy straightened it with her flat iron which gave us all a big laugh. So who do you think he looks like with his straight hair - Mom or Dad?

This year it was also exciting to have Coop with us. This cute little smile came on his face when his Mom walked in his sight - it melted all of our hearts!

Aren't they the cutest little family?!?

Easter would not be the same without the Selin's joining us (we really missed Ben and Des this year because they have spent the past four Easter's with us) Here they are going through their Easter baskets that the Easter Bunny left at our home.

Of course the Easter Bunny left Coop his very first Easter basket. The yellow duck is a miniature version of a duck that his Mommy got from her Aunt Eva twelve years ago.

Jared and Cass with their Easter basket. Brandy and Jared have had the same Easter basket since they were tiny and each year they put it out so the Easter Bunny can fill it

We still can't get over his straight hair. Take a good look at it because it will probably be the last time you ever see it!!!


Erika said...

I personally think straight hair looks good on him, but I also like his curly long hair. You have good looking kids, the perfect combination of mom and dad.

Roslyn said...

Wow! Almost didn't recognize Jared.
I like the curly better. . . but he's cute no matter what.