Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mom - Another Project?!?!?

Several months ago I was asked if I would help with the advertisement for our Stake Relief Society Women's Conference that is going to be held the end of May - Janice Kapp Perry will be the guest speaker. I needed to make 160 invitations to take around to the ladies that live in our neighborhood so I called upon my awesome husband and kids to help me with this assignment. So after having our first grilled chicken and corn on the cob of the season we sat down and started our project of cutting, folding and assembling and below is the results of our labors. It was a fun project done with the best company in the world! I am so lucky to have such a supportive family that will help out with what ever project I throw at them!

Of course after the "card making" was over Jared and Dave had to have a manly game of basketball since they had been doing girlie stuff for the past few hours! While they played basketball Grandpa and I got to cuddle with our cute little Cooper. Life is great at our home!!


BA said...

That's so neat that your family works together so much.
I can tell you really love your cute little Coop.

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

Brandy J. said...

Thanks for a great Sunday evening! Cooper sure loves his Tam Tam and Poppa.