Monday, August 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Mother's Day this year was extra special for me. In addition to being honored by my awesome kids and husband and having a wonderful Mother and Mother-in-law to honored, it was also the day that Cooper was blessed in our church. There is nothing more that a Mother could ask for than to watch her grandson be blessed by his wonderful Father and to see my sweet husband and son in the circle as this blessing is being given - this was truly the best Mother's Day present I could have ever received! And to make it even closer to my heart Cooper wore the same outfit that his Uncle Jared was blessed in 25 years ago. I am so blessed to have the wonderful family that I have!

Cooper on his blessing day.

Four generations....
...Bob & Maurine Olsen, Rob & Tammy Olsen, Dave & Brandy Olsen Jesperson, Cooper Jesperson

1 comment:

Brandy J. said...

Happy Mother's Day...we love you!