Thursday, August 5, 2010

Petty Experience

As I have said many times before you can tell how busy I have been by how often I update my blog, so since life has been super crazy at my house I am really behind on posting. I have decided that I have to catch everyone up on what has been happening with us and I am starting with Rob's Richard Petty Racing Experience that took place this past April. Rob is on the D & B Advisory Counsel (D & B are a commercial credit bureau headquartered in New Jersey) and they have several meetings a year that Rob attends. The meeting this past spring was in Orlando and the conference activity was going to the Richard Petty Raceway and actually driving the cars at top speed 8 laps around the track. Of course this was right up Rob's alley (he may come off looking like Mr. Conservative but in reality he is Mr. Rowdy)! After getting all dressed up in the fireproof driving attire he climbed in the window and "smoked" everyone! He was very proud that he reached the highest speed in his group of drivers and I have warned him several times since that he better not reach that speed with me in my Toyota Sienna Van!!

Stay tuned because I promise more postings are coming!!

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