Monday, April 4, 2011

Hubba Hubba

Twice a year our church has a men's only meeting on Saturday night for all boys 12 and older.  It is a special time for my boys to attend the meeting and then go out to dinner without the girls while we girls go to dinner and play.  This year Brandy, Cooper, Sarah, Emerson, Dawson and I went to dinner and then to the mall shopping.  Brandy and I were shopping for a "hot" swimsuit in preparation for our trip to Hawaii in May.  We would try on the swimsuits and then model them for Sarah and the kids.  Emerson and Dawson were getting tired so Sarah decided to leave early so she could get them home and to bed.  On the way to the car Dawson said to Sarah, "Cooper's Mom is hubba hubba."  Sarah said, "So you think Brandy is hubba hubba"?  He said, "Not Brandy, TAMTAM is hubba hubba."  Sarah explained to Dawson that I was Cooper's grandma not his mom.  And he responded, "She's NOT a grandma!!!!!!!!!"  Well to say the least this little four year old has won my heart for life!!!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

He sure is a cute fella huh? He has my heart too and with the way he gives compliments he's gonna win a LOT of girls hearts!! Thanks again we had a blast and I wish we didn't have to cut out early. Em is still cranky/runny nose/coughing today. Guess we will see if this was just a cold or getting a tooth!