Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I finally found an advantage to Rob being in the Bishopric. On Saturday Rob received a phone call from Jared and Cassidy's Bishop. Bishop Smith said that he was calling on behalf of the Stake President who was planning on issuing Jared a calling the next day. Since Jared had only been in the ward for a few months the Stake President wanted the Bishop to check with a member of Jared's former Bishopric to make sure he was worthy of the calling. Bishop Smith said he could think of no one better to contact than Jared's father since he was in the Bishopric. Bishop Smith went on to say that Jared was being called to the Elders Quorum Presidency and that it would be nice if Rob and I could be present the next day for his setting apart. So to the surprise of Jared and Cass, Rob and I showed up at their church on Sunday. And to make it even more special for Rob, Bishop Smith invited Rob to join in the setting apart of Jared. We are so proud of Jared, his worthiness and his desire to serve. We are equally as proud of Dave and his service as the Young Men's President, Brandy and her calling in the Young Women's Presidency and Cass and her work with the Young Single Adults. It is amazing the joy that children can bring into your life.

1 comment:

Connie and Jimbob said...

Wonderful Post--it gave me a chill of happiness and a reminder of the blessings the Gospel brings to us and our families.