Saturday, April 25, 2009

FaMiLiEs ArE FoReVeR

This past week my sister and brother-in-law have been here visiting from Alabama. My nephew (their son) graduated from Brigham Young University so they came out for his graduation. It has been so much fun having them visit - we have shopped, we have eaten, we have visited with extended family and friends, we have eaten, we had family pictures taken (thanks Jared Shupe), we have eaten (oh have I already mentioned that)! They left this morning and my house is way to quiet. I wish that we lived closer together because a sister is an awesome person to have around to play with, cry with and to feel loved by!

Last night we went to Tuscany's for a graduation celebratory dinner.

The studly men in our lives - Rob, Ben, Bennie, Jared, Dave, Ernie (the brother Rob never had)

And the beautiful women - Cassidy, June, Des, Tammy, Myrna (our blond sister), Brandy


Peggy, Eva, Sarah said...

You are so right about having a sister close by. I love mine and am fortunate to have them near. (I count you as my own.)

The Hanna Family said...

Hi there!

I love the photos! I haven't seen photos of June and family in some time. How nice you were able to visit with them. Sisters are the best.

I am including links to the South Beach Diet so you can read up on the different phases and ideas behind the diet. The first two weeks are definitely the toughest but after that the idea is you learn what foods cause you to gain weight so you can eliminate them, etc.

Some people compare it to Atkins because the first two weeks you pretty much cannot eat carbs at all but the difference is you gradually introduce carbs back, mostly whole grains, etc.

Here are the links, hope you enjoy!

Michelle Hanna

PS--Here are some ideas of what Shane and I are doing. We are eating 2 strips of turkey bacon and 1 boiled egg for breakfast, a mid-morning snack of 1 dill pickle or 1 string cheese (fat-free, I also am instead doing 1 cup of berries because my body doesn't tolerate the no fruit). Lunch is 2 cups of lettuce with diced turkey, chicken, a bit of fat-free cheese and 2 Tbspoons of fat-free dressing. Mid-afternoon snack (same as morning) and dinner generally a chicken breast with 2 cups of the vegetables they recommend you eat in Phase 1 (see the list). We can also have up to 75 calories of sugar-free fudgesicles.