Thursday, April 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Cassidy!!!!!

Today was our wonderful daughter-in-laws birthday. We are so fortunate to have her in our family. We have known Cass since she and Jared were in the eighth grade. Brandy and I decided when Jared was on his mission that if he didn't marry Cass when he got home that he was going to be in big trouble with us because we loved her!!

And Jared gave Cass exactly what she wanted for her birthday - he received a job offer today! Jared received an offer from DWG and Associates. They are a general contractor for the government. He will be the Human Resource Assistant for the company and along with the job came a substantial increase in pay for this soon to be college grad. We are all so excited about Cassidy's wonderful birthday present!!!!!


Sarah said...

YAY!!! Happy Birthday to Cassidy and congrats to Jared on his new job! SO SO exciting!

Sonya Peterson said...

Happy birthday Cassidy! congrats Jared. wow what a day.

Connie and Jimbob said...

...what a lovely evening it was...

Cass and Jared said...

Thanks Tammy! It really was the best birthday ever!