Thursday, April 16, 2009


My ankle has been really hurting me the past few weeks so I made an appointment to see the physiatrist (a doctor that deals in skeleton/muscles/bones) this week. I told him I had decided that I wanted it amputated so I would no longer have pain but of course he did not think that was a good idea!! He gave me a cortisone shot which turned out to be a painful experience. My ankle has started to fuse itself together so he had a hard time getting the needle in the joint to insert the cortisone. He told me he would put me on Oxycontin or pain patches if I wanted but they are so addicting that I decided I would rather just stay with the Lortab and Percocete (I really feel like I am becoming a druggie - but numerous doctors have assured me that as long as you only take the medication when in pain you will not become addicted - I sure hope they are correct)! My only real option for pain relief is an ankle replacement but I am still to young to have that done (that is the only thing I am to young for - haha). I will continue to go ever four months for a cortisone shot.

My cute son is still looking for a job after being laid off from Larry H.Miller two and half weeks ago. As of today he has applied for 65 jobs. He has had several offers but they have been commission based jobs and he does not want that. If you hear of anything please let him know. After next week he will be officially done with all his classes at the University of Utah and will be the proud recipient of a Bachelors Degree in Mass Communications.

And my last rambling for the day is to say how lucky I am to have such an amazing family. Rob is truly the best husband a woman could ask for (he has been in Maine this week and I have missed him terribly). All I have to do is mention that I want something and he gets it for me (he even offered to go to the Dooney and Bourke Outlet in Freeport, Maine and get me a new purse this week - how many husbands would do that?). He is a great provider, a hard worker and the sexist man alive! And Brandy, Dave, Jared and Cassidy are unbelievable . They are always willing to help with any project we have going on (lately there has been alot), they are here for us when we are sick, they show us tons of love and they even still like taking trips with us (we are looking forward to our trip to Alabama with Brandy in July and our trip to Chicago with Jared and Cass in August). And in addition to these wonderful children we have our adopted kids the Selin's who are always here when we need help (thanks Chris for helping take down the fence on Saturday). So even with all the bad things going on in the world today our family is truly a blessed family. Last week we all went to the temple together (sorry you couldn't make it Chris) and setting in the celestial room surrounded by our cherished children we had the confirmation that all will be well, Jared will find a job, I will learn to deal with pain, Brandy and Dave will be parents and most of all that our family will be together forever. What more could you want out of life.


Sonya Peterson said...

I pray daily that my kids will marry well and they will stay close to us. I hope my prayers are answered the way yours have been. I am sorry you have had such a rough time lately.
I have to tell you a funny though. As we were walking out of Old Navy the other day, my little Camryn said "even though she gave us stink eye I like her. She has my favorite hair do."

The Hanna Family said...

You said it just perfectly. What a wonderful family you have! I know that Jared will find a job. I have you all in my thoughts and prayers. Brandie too will be a Mom. I know all about that very long journey. It can be difficult. I am sorry about your ankle, hang in there! It can only get better. That is what I always tell myself. Thanks for dropping by to see my folks today. My Dad really enjoyed seeing you. Your Easter dinner looked fun!!! I loved Easter too. It was fun having my Dad here for the egg hunt and a nice, tasty dinner. Take care and I will stay in touch because I know good news is headed your way.

Michelle Hanna

Brandy J. said...

We do have a pretty cool family. It is easy to be a good kiddo when I have such good parents. Love you!