Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Today is Father's Day and I have to tell my sweet husband how wonderful he is! He is the world's best father and husband. There is nothing that Rob would not do for me or his children. Work, church, and even his own interest take second place to the needs of his family. There have been many, many times that Rob has rearranged his schedule when the kids and I have needed him. Several years ago Rob had flown to Texas for a meeting. That same day I went to see the doctor because I had found a lump in my breast. The doctor was concerned and wanted to run test on it the next morning. Will you can never guess who walked into the hospital as I sat there dressed in my cute hospital gown that morning but my sweet husband. As soon as he found out he made arrangements to get on the first flight out, forgo his meeting and come back to be with me. What a man! We love you so much Rob!!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh Tammy, that story brought tears to my eyes! You guys are so cute!

Brandy J. said...

Happy Father's Day Dad. We love you so much!!

The Hanna Family said...

I will make sure my dad calls you as soon as he knows the results next Wednesday. Thanks for visiting my blog and thanks for keeping us in your prayers!

Michelle Hanna