Thursday, July 30, 2009

Aunt Wonnie and Uncle Jimmy

No trip to Alabama would be complete without visiting with my favorite Aunt and Uncle on my Moms side of the family. Aunt Wonnie and Uncle Jimmy still talk about when they use to change my diaper -- they even gave me a porcelain doll on this trip as a reminder of those "fond" memories! And talk about talking.....well that is what my Aunt Wonnie is famous for! You can't get a word in when she is around because she is constantly talking and that is what we love about her! They will be celebrating there fifty wedding anniversary in a few days and we sure wish we were there to celebrate it with them.

I thought this bird was beautiful sitting on the bird bath in my Mom's yard. Wish we had birds like that in Utah!!


vll123 said...

Love the pictures and thanks for sharing. :)

Brandy J. said...

Ah, Aunt Wonnie is certainly never lacking for something to say. She cracks me up! I'm sad we couldn't spend more time with her and Uncle Jimmy.