Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Good Ole South!

I have so many fond memories of growing up in the south. Every Easter my Dad's family would get together at the Banks Community Center for a potluck dinner and Easter egg hunt. When we drove by the Community Center this trip I made Rob stop and take a picture of it! It may not look like much to you but it is full of memories for me.

We went to the cemetery where my grandparents are buried and we ran across this headstone that we all found interesting. Have you ever known an Indian Fighter before?

Going to the south would never be complete without a fish fry or shrimp boil. Well my brother went all out and did both for us this trip. For a shrimp boil you take your red potatoes, corn on the cob, sausage and shrimp and put in a waterproof bag (he used an orange bag) and put into a boiling pot full of water with a special seasoning (I brought some of the seasoning home so we could have our own shrimp boil since Jared wasn't there to partake).

It is definitely some good eatin!

Another "have to do" for Rob when we visit the south is to eat at the Waffle House. Here is a picture of me, Brandy and my sister-in-law outside the "high class" restaurant called Waffle House.

And last but not least my other brother! He is a sweetheart but he is also the biggest "REDNECK" you will ever find! I sure love him!

We had a great trip to Alabama. It was so much fun visiting with family, friends and reminiscing about days gone by. I miss living close to my family but I am so grateful that my kids have been able to experience just a little of what my life was like growing up in the true Heart of Dixie. Roll Tide Roll and War Eagle y'all!!!!!!


Brandy J. said...

That headstone was so bizarre. Great pictures...keep 'em coming.

BA said...

I've never been to the South. None of my kids have lived there. It looks like you had a great time.