Friday, August 21, 2009

TamTam and Rob

I have always told the kids that I will "tell them" when I am old enough to be a grandmother and then they could consider having kids. Well I guess they got tired of waiting for me to get old enough and decided that Rob was old enough (you know he is MUCH older than me :) to be a grandpa because for his birthday in July Brandy and Dave gave him a package that contained a cute little baby onesie that said "Worth the Wait" on it! To say the least we are all very excited. Even though we have known since July 7th Brandy had asked that I not blog about it until she had spoken personally with all the people she wanted to tell so finally this week she gave me the go ahead to blog about the exciting news. Her official due date is February 21 (Uncle Jared's only request is that the "little rug rat" doesn't come on his birthday which is February 13th). And since this is our first grandchild Rob and I get to decide what we want to be called. I have always said that I want to be called TamTam (Dave already calls me that) and when we asked Rob he said "ROB". I have a feeling he will change his mind though!!

Brandy was able to go to Alabama with us in July so she could tell all her Alabama relatives in person. June (my sister) held a little luncheon in Brandy's honor with the most adorable cake topped with a sleeping baby. All those in attendance wrote advise for the Mother-to-be.

I have also decided that in addition to showers for the Mother-to-be that there needs to be a shower for the TamTam-to-be because this little bundle of joy is going to be expensive for me since I have to set up a nursery at my house, get a car seat, stroller, diapers, man the list goes on and on!! Do you get the sense that we are just a little excited for the arrival of this little one!!!


Peggy, Eva, Sarah said...

Count me in! I'm excited too. And so happy for you and for them!

Brandy J. said...

This is going to be one good-looking, charismatic, intelligent, well dressed child, and loved child! Thanks for the big reveal TamTam.