Sunday, September 20, 2009


I have been a fan of Patrick Dempsey, commonly known as McDreamy (and star of Enchanted and Maid of Honor) for a long time. So when I heard that he was going to be racing at the Miller Motorsports Park for the third year in a row and we were offered free tickets to the race I was more than happy to go!! So on race day Rob and I drove out to the racetrack with Rob excited for a great race and some amazing pictures and me excited to see my big screen heart throb. Once arriving we get a program, found some great seats and then I proceed to read the program that I had just been handed. From the program I found out that Dempsey's car was a Mazda RX 8 and it was number 40. Then the farther I read in the program I discovered that McDreamy WOULD NOT be racing (something due to a movie he was working on and couldn't get away for the race) but that his team mates would actually be driving the shiny silver #40. Well my heart was crushed and I had no desire to even walk over to the pit (where if he would have been there I would have been able to get a picture of that cute face) but my sweet, even cuter husband, went over and took some pictures for me while I stayed in my seat and pouted! Even without the owner of car #40 there it was still a great day spent with the love of my life and watching seventy men act like boys as they drove around a track for 2 hours and 45 minutes in loud, fast cars. And I must admit that after watching them I had just a little desire to get in one of those loud, fast cars and go for a little spin myself!!

The Dempsey car - #40

Don't you think it resembles McDreamy just a little?


Sonya Peterson said...

sounds like fun. i have never been, but might have to now.

BA said...

Ralph & I have gone out there for a couple of races. It's a fun place.