Thursday, September 10, 2009


We started the summer off by going to Park City for three nights with the whole fam over Memorial Day weekend. So with summer coming to a close we decided there would be no better way to end it than to go to Vegas for three nights with our kids (plus we got a great deal on a condo)! So last Saturday we all piled into the van and headed for our first stop along the way - Beaver, Utah where we had the best french toast in the world at the Paradise Restaurant. After filling out tummies we headed to our final destination - the Marriott Chateau just off the strip in Vegas! Dave's brother lives in Henderson, Nevada so he was able to get us free tickets to Nathan Burton (a magician) who was a amazing to watch (the best part of the show was when they had Dave come onto the stage and dressed him as a woman. Unfortunately they would not let us take pictures so we do not have any proof that this actually happened and Dave would probably deny that it happened if you ask him!) His brother also got us tickets to an impersonator named Larry G. Jones. I fell in love with his show and would highly recommend it to anyone. And the best part is that he is from Opelika, Alabama!!

We were able to shop, went to the Hoover Dam, did a little swimming, napped, watched some DVDs and did A LOT of eating! We even went to Serendipity 3 for a yummy frozen hot chocolate (my cousin Michelle had recommended it own her blog). And of course Jared and Dave were able to get in a game of basketball with Dave's brother and his friends. It was a great three days spent with our little family. Brandy and Dave commented on the way home that this would probably be the last trip that we would all be able to take in one vehicle because when the baby comes there will be to much baby paraphernalia to fit in the van with all the rest of our luggage. The realization hit that our family trips will be totally different come February but we are excited for this new little addition that is coming into our family and all the changes he/she will bring.

Rob didn't take any pictures so I have none to post of our Labor Day trip but just know we had a great time!


Sarah said...

I am so glad you guys had fun! That sounds like a great weekend you guys had. I can't even imagine Dave dressed as a girl...must of been a site to see!!! :)

BA said...

Your family sounds like they really have a lot of fun. Enjoy it because it is true, grandchildren do tend to change things. Tell Brandi to go do a few years of dating before the baby comes.

The Hanna Family said...

What a fun trip!! I am so glad that you had a chance to try the delicious frozen hot chocolate from Serendipity. Wasn't it wonderful??

Michelle Hanna