Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The End of a Tradition

Rob and I have been blessed with amazing neighbors. For the past 10 years (except for the few occasions that we were out of town) we have hosted a Neighborhood Fourth of July Party. It is great being surrounded by our neighborhood family, having great food, fireworks, volleyball, basketball, and yes even waterballon fights while celebrating this wonderful country that we live in. Before the kids were married they helped us prepare for this big event. But since they have moved out it is just Rob and I preparing to have 50 people at our home and it has become alot of work. So this year when we were setting up Rob and I both came to the conclusion that it was time to end the Olsen Fourth of July Neighborhood Party. So as we end this tradition, I am already thinking of what new tradition I can start so I can spend time with my neighbors!! Below are a couple pictures from our final party!

Kenny and Marie are the best!!

We have been getting together for the 4th of July since before Kenzie and Caden were born!!

These are the best backdoor neighbors that anyone could ever have!!

As you can tell the women in the neighbor really like to talk!!

The Thomson's are a true blessing to our neighborhood!

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