Monday, November 30, 2009

October and November Happenings

I have said it before but you can definitely tell how busy I have been by how often I update my blog. It seems like the past two months have gone by in a blur!! October started off great but went down hill very quickly. October 5th we found out that our little bundle of joy that will be arriving in February is going to be an adorable little boy. We are so excited for his arrival. But two days after this announcement Dave's (our son-in-law) mother past away unexpectedly. It was devastating news to his family and all that knew his amazing Mother. Then a week after that I came down with the flu - the doctor said it was H1N1. Fortunately Rob had a business trip planned that week so I did not have to worry about him getting sick so I got to spend the week home alone in bed. A week after I recovered from the flu guess what happens - I come down with pneumonia! By the end of October I was so tired of being sick!

As most of you know I love Halloween and even with Rob encouraging me to cancel my annual Halloween bash, I decided sickness or no sickness the Halloween party must go on!! So Halloween night we were joined by the Blues Brothers, a Wal-Mart greeter, a 60's girl, a beautiful princess, a rock-n-roller, a doctor and her cowboy, Jon and Kate, a couple of hippies with their lady bug, a baker with his bun in the oven, a monkey and a dinosaur. It was definitely a different group of people to have all together in one house, but it sure was fun!!

Once Halloween was over I started getting ready for Christmas. We planned to go to Alabama for Thanksgiving to move my Mom from the house that she had lived in for almost 60 years in the country into a home in town so I wanted all my shopping done for Alabama so I could take it with me. In addition to Christmas shopping I also wanted to get my house decorated for Christmas before we left so thanks to the wonderful elves in my life (named Rob, Brandy, Dave, Jared and Cass) we were able to get all that done by November 16th.

Rob and I left for Alabama on November 21st and spent a busy week helping my Mom get settled into her new home. It is a beautiful home and we are so excited to have her in town with neighbors to help keep an eye on her. Below is a picture of her new home.

While there I got to spend some time with my cute little niece Amy.

Below is a picture of me, my sister June and my Mom on Thanksgiving Day. Aren't we the cutest?!?!

I am so grateful that Rob and I were able to go to Alabama and help get my Mom settled in her new home. It was a very tiring trip but also a very rewarding trip for us. But most of all we are glad to be back in our own home!!!!!


Sarah said...

What an adorable little house! We are glad to have you back!

BA said...

I'm sorry you got the flu and have been sick. I hope you're better now and are having a great day.

Connie and Jimbob said...

Yes, yes yes you have been busy! Your mom's house looks so nice. I know you worked your tail off during Thanksgiving--are you thankful Thanksgiving is over?

The Hanna Family said...

Oh, I love the new house!!! It is beautiful!

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