Monday, December 28, 2009

December Greetings

December has been a fun month for us! We have been able to spend time with family and friends, we have had plenty of mouth watering (and calorie laden) goodies to partake of and we were showered with wonderful gifts from ole Saint Nick.

We started our December off with dinner at Carole and Alma's. The past few years they have had us over for a tree decorating party. Carole provides a delicious dinner and then we all work together putting up her tree. It is a fun evening where the guys get to use their brawn and the girls their decorating talents!!

On December 19th all of Rob's family got together to celebrate Rob's Dads 75th birthday party. All of the family was there but one grandchild. As soon as I get pictures back from the photographer I will blog some of the evening
Christmas Eve we had Rob's parents and two of his sisters and there family over for dinner. I am not sure why but none of us thought to take pictures!
Christmas Day the kids showed up about 11:00 and we opened presents, played WII, napped, had a yummy dinner and then played some more. Below are some pictures from Christmas Day.

Jared waiting his turn to open a present!

He got tired of waiting and decided to give Cassidy a hair cut!! Silly boy!!!

Brandy is much more prim and proper than her brother!!

We decided that it doesn't take much to excite Cassidy - just give her an insulated lunch box or a potato masher and she is thrilled!!

Dave is struggling with who to support - Auburn or Alabama, but little Cooper will be toasty warm in this Auburn blanket and hat!!

Cooper is not even here yet but Santa still brought him this cute fire engine full of goodies - think he is going to be spoiled????

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from our family to yours!!!

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