Thursday, January 7, 2010

HAPPY 2010

As we start the New Year I have been reflecting on the great blessings that I have been blessed with and have decided that the GREATEST blessing I have is my family. I have a wonderful husband that loves my unconditionally, a daughter that is truly amazing, and a son that is a true example to all. And to top that off Brandy married a wonderful man and Jared married a sweetheart of a girl. What more could a wife and mother want?

Happy 2010 to each of you and may you take the time to reflect on your blessings!

My handsome son and his cute wife!

My beautiful pregnant daughter and her "freezing" husband (we are looking forward to seeing our first grandchild in only 6 weeks). Don't you love the heart over her tummy!

My whole little family (don't I have a cute husband). How many families would go outside on a freezing day and take pictures just to make Mom happy? My family, that's who!!

1 comment:

Brandy J. said...

Happy 2010! It is going to be a year full of all sorts of new adventures!! We love you.