Friday, February 12, 2010

Cooper Kaleb Jesperson

Holding my TamTam's finger! She sure loves me!!

Arrived February 12, 2010 at 7:31 AM. Weighing in at 6 pounds and 13.4 ounces and 20-1/2 inches long. My TamTam and Grandpa think I am the cutested thing they have seen since Uncle Jared was born 25 years ago tomorrow!!


Peggy, Eva, Sarah said...

Congratulations TamTam! and RobRob! and of course Mom and Dad! What a cutie!
Auntie Eva

Anonymous said...

OH WOW!!!!! I'm so surprised!!!!! I was just telling Cameron this morning that Brandy and Dave have less than a week until he was supposed to be born!!! So he came early, right? Oh, tell them congrats!

jim said...


Connie and Jimbob said...

He is adorable. Congrats to all of you!

The Saunders Family said...

He is so precious! I can't believe I just ran into Brandy last night! Good thing she got some shopping done! Tell her congrats for me.

Anonymous said...

I want you to know how happy iam for you. cooper wanted to come and play with tam tam early. i hope mom and cooper are doing well. congrats to you

R said...

He is so beautiful! Congratulations TamTam and Rob and enjoy being grandparents. It's the BEST. Love to Brandy and Dave too and lucky Coop. He gets a wonderful family.

Alice said...

Congrats Tammy & Rob!! How exciting! Please tell Brandy & Dave that I am thrilled for them!! He is adorable!