Sunday, August 15, 2010

Amelia Island, Flordia

As most of you know Rob is the VP/Chief Risk Officer for Wright Express Financial Services (the headquarters is in Portland, Maine). At Rob's company they reward 40 employees each year who have done an outstanding job with an award called President's Club. As part of winning President's Club you receive an all expense paid trip for you and your spouse. Well my sweet husband was one of the recipients this year and we had the opportunity the end of May of going to Amelia Island which is located about 30 miles outside of Jacksonville, Florida. If you have never been to Amelia Island - go!!! It is a very laid back place (probably not the best place to take teenagers who want to be on the go constantly). The beaches are beautiful and there are some amazing golf courses.

Our room looked out right onto this beach. We would go to bed and wake up hearing the crashing waves - what a relaxing sound!!

This was our "Island Hopper"/transportation around Amelia Island. There was a place outside of the hotel for you to park it and then whenever you wanted to go someplace you would just come out of the hotel, jump on it and away we would go. It was alot of fun, slow, but fun!!

In the middle of the Island there was a little village of shops. This blue building behind Rob is actually a Chico's! Since I am a shopper and Rob is not, he sat under these beautiful trees and got caught up on his work email (yes he is a workaholic , but if he wasn't I guess we would not have been on this trip) while I browsed.

As we cruised around in our Island Hopper this is some of the beautiful scenery we saw.

A special thank you to my amazing husband for working so hard to support our family and for winning this fun trip! I am so proud of him and all he does for me and our children. I love you Rob!!!!

1 comment:

Brandy J. said...

Thanks for working so hard dad. You definitely deserved that trip! Love you both!