Thursday, August 19, 2010

Luncheon Group

Many of you have heard me speak of the group of women that I join once a month for lunch - well this month one of the ladies in the group suggested that we come to her home for lunch. She lives at the top of Emigration Canyon (year round) and it is absolutely beautiful! There were squirrels and chipmunks running around in the yard and she constantly has raccoons, moose and deer stopping by to visit her. Now as much as I was loving the animals, she really dislikes them because they totally destroy her yard and flowers!

Her are few members of our luncheon group. Three of the ladies were not able to come.

Can you imagine waking up to this every morning. In preparation for winter she will board up the porch you see in the background (it goes all the way around the house) because snow will go to the roof and will not melt until June.

This is what she looks out her living room and sees!

Thanks Maria for the wonderful lunch and for opening up your home to all of us!!

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