Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Greatest Blessings!

As I have been preparing for Thanksgiving I have been reflecting on some of my greatest blessings and when I think of blessings my thoughts always seem to go to my family. I know you hear me speak about my immediate family ALOT but I also have a pretty amazing extended family. When I was growing up our vacations always consisted of going to Florida to visit my Mom's family or going to Georgia to visit my Dad's family and to be honest I never minded that (but then again I didn't know any different). My parents instilled in me a great love of family and for that I am thankful. When I married Rob I expressed my desire for my kids to be close to my family even though we lived thousands of miles of away and my sweet husband has done everything in his power to make sure that happened. This past summer we headed south with Bran, Dave and Coop (we had to introduce him to the Alabama folk)!

This is a four generation shot - Bran, my Mom, Cooper and myself.

I have two brothers and one sister but trying to get all four of us together for a picture very rarely happens. Below is my brother Sherrill and my sister June.

This is one of my Mom's sisters that I spent many a summer visiting in Florida. She is a hoot! According to Jared, she never stops talking!!

This is my one and only sister and her husband. You can tell that Coop loved spending time with his Auntie June and Uncle Bennie.

Below is a photo of my Dad's family. They are a super close family and every time we go to Alabama they travel from miles away so we can all get together (they will never know how much I appreciate that). My Dad had three brothers and two sisters, but now there is only the girls and one boy left.

I am so grateful that Rob and the kids have gotten to know each of these wonderful family members that have had such an influence in my life!
Happy Thanksgiving All!!!

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