Thursday, November 4, 2010


I love Halloween and look forward to it each year. For the past several years I have had a Halloween party complete with costumes, scary foods and equally scary decorations (well as scary as I get)!! I was so excited for mine and Rob's costumes this year --- we were Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy. Rob was such a good sport to wear his Raggedy Andy costume (he even wore it to work and won the award for most original costume).

We felt honored that Sue Sylvester and Will Schuester from Glee would honor our little party with there presence...

...and Roy Rogers and Dale Evans also stopped by with Trigger!

Of course our party always has a variety of attendees - in addition to Ann and Andy, Sue and Will, Roy, Dale and Trigger we also had Peter Pan, a beautiful butterfly, a nurse with her injured patient, a couple of zoo keepers with an adorable tiger, an evil witch, but the most glamorous attendee we had was the one and only Audrey Hepburn. I can hardly wait until next year to see who attends!!


Brandy J. said...

Thanks for the party. It was LOTS OF FUN!!

Sarah said...

It was great!! Thanks again!

Cass and Jared said...

We can't wait to show you our costumes for next year!! Jared already has it planned. Thanks, the party was fun as usual.

Meg the Mama said...

Love you. Love your family. Party on.