Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!!

Rob and I were extremely blessed by Ole Saint Nick this year.  The biggest blessing we have is our two amazing children, our handsome son-in-law, our beautiful daughter-in-law and our precious little Cooper.  Being able to spend time with them is the only present we ever want or need!! 

It was so much fun having Cooper the Elf join our family this year.  He was not an awful lot of help handing out the presents...

....but he sure loved playing with the present he received!! 

Being together with family to celebrate the birth of the Savior is what Christmas is all about!!

Merry Christmas everyone and Happy 2011!!

1 comment:

Brandy J. said...

Let the records show that Cooper makes elf look cool. Merry Christmas, happy New Year, and lots of love!