Thursday, January 20, 2011

"I'll be there for you...

...cause you're there for me too."  I don't know how many of you watch or have watched the television show FRIENDS which aired in 2004 that is about 6 friends that live across the hall from each other and are constantly there for each other.  Well I been blessed to have two friends that are always there for me too.  And even though we live 2300 miles apart they have still always been there for me!

I went to a rural elementary school and before I started the sixth grade I decided that I wanted to transfer into the city school for my middle school years instead of going to the rural school like my brothers and sister had done.  Sixth grade is hard enough, but it is even harder when you have NO friends but I was blessed to have this girl with long, dark hair befriend me and begin a friendship that has lasted forty plus years!  Gayle is the most thoughtful person I know.  There is never a holiday that goes by that I do not get a card from her, she remembers every birthday with a gift and whenever I am sick or going through difficult times she will send something to cheer me up.

When Gayle and I started our senior year of high school this bubbly, cute, brown hair girl transferred into our school and she fit right in to our little group, so we went from being two best friends to three best friends.  Debbie was the talented one of the group - she made beautiful cakes and had one hot husband (did I fail to mention she was married to the sweetest guy in the entire world).  My senior year of high school was a blast thanks to these amazing girls.  In August after graduation in May I headed out west to go to college and Gayle and Debbie stayed in Troy but even with me being miles away they were still there for me.

A few years ago Debbie and Gayle's husbands gave them tickets to come to Utah as a Christmas gift.  It was so much fun having them here!  They both have amazing husbands!!

We went to Alabama when Brandy was pregnant with Cooper and my sweet sister hosted a tea in her honor.  It was so much fun having Gayle and Debbie take part in this exciting time in my life.  By the way Debbie is now the Grandmother to an adorable little baby boy and Gayle is working really hard on getting her kids married so she can join our "Grandmother's Club".

When we were in Alabama this past summer we allowed our husbands to join one of our little "get togethers".  I sure love these wonderful friends and am so grateful for a friendship that has span the years and the miles.

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