Thursday, February 24, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Cooper Kaleb Jesperson

We can't believe our heads
(we're starting to see red)
Cooper's turning one
so join us in the fun!!!

Well it is hard to believe that our little Cooper turned one on February 12th!  Where did this past year go?  For his party his Mommy and Daddy threw him a "color" themed bash.  Everyone was ask to dress in red clothes, the decorations were in red, and the yummy food was also red!  Of course Cooper did not care much about the adorable decorations, the food or the gifts but he sure loved the attention he was given by the adults and the kids that he got to play with.

 Cooper with his birthday cupcake (it was his Aunt Mert from Alabama's famous red velvet cake recipe) 

 He had a blast playing with Tyce, Dawson and Emerson (she did not want to play fireman with the boys though).

Poppa and TamTam having a little make out session!!!

Of course we had to have our picture taken with the birthday boy (notice our red clothes)!!

Brandy did a wonderful job decorating (all the decorations were homemade of course - my talented little daughter)...

...and she even gave a prize to the one that came dressed in the most red.  We all agreed that Carole won but Jared definitely came in second. 

Cooper has been such a great blessing in our family.  He warms our hearts by a simple smile or reaching those chubby little hands out to us for a hug or just to be held.  We cannot get enough of the little toad (even though he prefers Poppa over TamTam when Poppa is around).  Being parents to Brandy and Jared was a totally awesome experience and we can already tell that we are in store for some more amazing and heart warming experiences with our grand kids. 

Happy Birthday Cooper!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Brandy J. said...

Thank you SO SO much for all your help with Cooper's birthday party. We couldn't have done it without you.