Sunday, February 20, 2011

Chinese New Year

 My good friends family owns the Chinese Restaurant, Dragon Isle, which in our opinion is one of the best Chinese Restaurants in Salt Lake City.  Chinese New Year has become an event that my family looks forward to each February at the Dragon Isle.  On Chinese New Year the restaurant has two dragons that come and you can feed them dollar bills so you will have good luck during the coming year.  The dragons meander throughout the restaurant while loud drums are being played in the background.  It is an entertaining evening and one that we were looking forward to taking little Cooper to for his first time.  As you can tell he was not to sure what to think as it began.

Of course Jared and Cass were excited for the entertainment and the FOOD!

 Rob was out of town so Brandy was my dining companion!

 Then the fun begins...... 

Cooper goes over to feed the dragon.....

....and the more he watched him

...the more he decided that he DID not like it!!!

Maybe next year will be better for Cooper!!!

1 comment:

Brandy J. said...

Such a fun night, even with the crying Cooper Boy!