Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Mother's Day Surprise

It has been 32 years since I have spent Mother's Day with my 81 year old Mom so this past Mother's Day I decided that I wanted to fly down and surprise her.  I persuaded my dear friend Myrna to participate in this little covert operation with me.  Rob was in New Jersey the week prior to Mother's Day so the plan was for him to meet us at the airport in Montgomery on Saturday, the day before Mother's Day and we would drive down and show up on her doorsteps!  And fortunately everything went according to plan (thanks to the help of my sister).

Rob was only able to stay for a few days, but Myrna and I spent the entire week entertaining (or maybe I should say being entertained by) my Mom.

We took her to get a pedicure.  Of course she had to tell Junior exactly what to do!

My Aunt Wonnie and Uncle Jimmy came up and spent Mother's Day with us and then we went to Dothan one day and spent the day with them.  

We went and watched Sarah Todd, Hollis and their friend Daisy play ball.  It was sooo hot!

 We visited with my brother Sherrill....

 ....and then my brother Cyril and his wife Linda took us out for a delicious dinner.

My sister also took a day off work and we went to lunch and did some shopping but for some reason I did not take a picture that day!  It was a fun trip and I am grateful that I got to spent some time with my Mom and my amazing siblings!  I sure miss living close to them.

1 comment:

Brandy J. said...

It looks like so much fun!! We wish we could have been there with everyone.