Saturday, August 7, 2010

Chandler, Arizona

The first of May Rob was invited by Experien (a commercial credit bureau) to speak at their annual conference that was being held at the Wild Horse Pass in Chandler, Arizona. Since there had been no sign of spring here in Utah at that time, I quickly volunteered to escort Rob to sunny Arizona and hang out by the pool while he did his thing. It was a great trip for me (poor Rob was in meetings all the time) because I finally got to warm up after a long winter and got caught up on some reading.

Under the tree is where I spend my days reading with the pool boy bring me my soft drinks whenever I wanted was really a rough few days!
Our room was on the bottom floor so I could just walk out the door to the pool! And for those of you that have never been to Arizona it really is a desert like this picture indicates!


BA said...

I'm glad you liked Arizona. My son, Jeff, lives in Chandler. They love it there.

Brandy J. said...

Take me next time! It looks like a beautiful place!