Wednesday, September 15, 2010

July 4, 2010

I know it is September and I am just blogging about our 4th of July trip! Please be patient with me as I continue to get caught up on all our summer activities. As most of you know mine and Rob's hobby is traveling. We love to see new parts of the country and there is no better time to do that than over a long, holiday weekend. This year for the 4th of July Brandy and Jared had plans with the in-law's so Rob and I decided to visit a place that we had never been before. There is a lodge located about 90 miles east of Salt Lake City called Daniel's Summit Lodge and we decided it was time to check it out. Rob picked me up from work on Friday, July 2nd and we headed straight up to the Lodge for our new adventure.

The Lodge reminded me alot of Yellowstone and with it was surrounded by beautiful wild flowers and there was even a bear waiting at the entrance to greet us (well maybe it wasn't a real bear but there was still a bear). Since the Lodge is in the mountains the temperature was much cooler (which is nice in July) and there is nothing better than the fresh mountain air to breath. This is what Rob and I consider camping - why would anyone want to sleep on the hard ground when you can have the "camping atmosphere" and sleep on a real bed with a nice warm shower and a flush toilet?

Our room looked out into this meadow with all these beautiful flowers It was very rustic and there was even no cell phone reception (actually that part was devastating for us since we are both attached to our iPhone). We also discovered that if we go again that we should take DVDs to watch (since there is very little to do and the television reception is not the best) and to bring plenty of food since the only available store/cafe is the small one located at the lodge.

One day we took a little side trip down to Midway to a restaurant I have been wanting to eat at called Blue Boar Inn. The food was okay...

...but the restaurant was absolutely beautiful.

I could have sat at the restaurant all day and soaked in the beauty!

We had a wonderful, relaxing 4th of July in the beautiful mountains of Utah! We would highly recommend it to anyone!!

1 comment:

Brandy J. said...

This is the first time I have seen these pictures. They are beautiful!