Sunday, January 23, 2011

Roaring 20's

Happy Birthday Lisa!!!!!!!!!!

 What's a good idea to do when you leave your teenage years behind and turn 20.....well have a roaring 20's party of course!  When our cute little friend Lisa turned 20 her sweetheart of a sister threw her a SURPRISE roaring 20's party and it was a blast!!!!  Everyone was asked to dress in their 1920's attire and show up for a little "Charleston dancing", "mobster story telling" and some "mock prohibition drinks" and of course we could not turn the invitation down.

Jared came more as a "newsies" character than a mobster and Cass was a very sweet 1920's gal!

 Coop was dressed like his Uncle Jared while his Mom and Dad where very typical 1920's.

 Rob and I were the epitome of a 1920's mobster and his lady, don't you think???? 

 Here is a group shot of all the styling ladies.....

 ....and the good looking men!

Well of course you can't get a group of mobster's together without at least one "HIT".
   RIP Jared.

Thanks to Lisa for a having a birthday and to the Selin's for putting on one "swinging" party!!


Meg the Mama said...

Love it! So much fun. You guys have the best party ideas!

Erika said...

It looks like so much fun! I love dressing up, and this brought back memories of my youth. I was in a dance group and we used to perform the Charleston.

Brandy J. said...

Fun party and CUTE new background and banner! :)

Lesley said...

What fabulous looks you have created. Really superb!

Why don't you and your friends enter some photos in my 1920s Fashion Photo Competition - and promote your blog at the same time. You might even win a 1920s Fashion book!

The competition can be found at:

You can add a link to your blog. I'll make it clickable when I approve your entry.

Tell all your friends and readers too - its open to everyone!
