Rob has been with Marlin Business Bank for over a year now and his job has involved alot more travel than he originally thought it would. He has to go to New Jersey at least one week a month in addition to the other traveling he has for the Credit Research Foundation, D and B, and customer visits. We calculated that he is probably gone from home a total of 4 months a year. We are grateful that he has a great job that provides a good income for our family so I can stay home and be a full time Mom and TamTam. We also have friends whose spouse travels each week for work so we are grateful that Rob is only gone four months a year and not more, but with that being said....we really don't like the time spent apart.
So this past April Rob planned a surprise (or it was suppose to be a surprise) trip to Hawaii for the two of us. Hawaii is probably our most favorite place to go for rest and relaxation. And that is exactly what we did...rested and relaxed!!
Rob did get up early in the morning to go take some sunrise photos...of course I stayed snugly in bed, asleep while he went!!
We woke up one morning and this is what we saw...beautiful blue skies with a gorgeous rainbow .... no place but Hawaii would you see that!!
We took walks along the beach....
...and of course we made time for a pineapple smoothie!
We went out to the North Shore to visit friends and also to have a slice of Ted's delicious haupia pie.
You cannot go to the North Shore unless you stop at Matsumoto's for shave ice - kidney beans or no kidney beans (I prefer mine without the kidney beans)!!!!!! We had a friend who went to Hawaii for the first time this past December and she thought you JUST went to the North Shore to see the big waves. We had to educated her to the fact that the North Shore has alot of fun things to see and do, in addition to the big waves that roll in during the winter months.

Heavenly Father definitely blessed me to find and marry this wonderful man 33 years ago today - yes today is our anniversary - that is always trying to surprise me with wonderful trips, gives me tons of support in all the things I do and most of all he loves me unconditionally! So what does my sexy husband have in store for our anniversary you ask......a trip to Paris, the Bahamas?? Well he is loading up the van and taking our whole little family to Park City for our annual Memorial Day weekend vacation of movie watching, good food, shopping, golfing, crying grandkids and wonderful conversation. That is the most romantic gift he could ever give me!